Robert Bensh has over 25 years of industry experience.
Robert Bensh has enjoyed an extensive and successful career within various sectors of the Oil, Energy, and Finance industries spanning over 25 years. Hailing from New York and presently based in Houston Texas, Robert has worked to develop partnerships all over the world. Through much of his career, however, Robert has frequently worked with businesses in Ukraine, Australia, London, South America and the United States. There are few who are more passionate about the Energy industry, and Robert Bensh is a seasoned professional with the accolades to match.
As an international energy executive, Robert has worked with nearly a dozen big name corporations to help them develop their oil and gas businesses. He took on many roles before moving on to his current role, but all saw Robert Bensh bringing tremendous growth to revenue and production. In addition to these efforts, Robert also has experience in building funds, capital, and acquisitions. He has a solid record of successfully merging businesses and bringing them to their full potential under his direction as both a director and financial expert.
Not only has Robert Bensh traveled the world, but he has always focused on constant personal and professional improvement. He received a Bachelors of Science degree from Arizona State University in both Political Science and History. This well-rounded education gave Bensh the tools he needed to succeed as a leader in a daunting industry. While the energy industry is highly technical, the international energy business involves substantial political and economic risk and it’s in this sector of the business where Robert has focused a majority of his career. Robert would later return to Arizona State University studying towards a Master of Arts degree in Global Security. The program featured several components that Robert feels have prepared him for the significant security, political and economic risks that are inherent in the international energy business. Here, he was able to hone his skills in enabling strategic and innovative thinking, developing analytics, supporting interdisciplinary engagement, and the employing the ability to be flexible and resilient to changes amongst chaotic challenges. To further his education, Robert also graduated from the University of Toronto as part of the Directors Education Program with the Institute of Corporate Directors. The program focuses on corporate governance for board directors.
Though Robert Bensh is not a politician, he has a deep understanding and passion for his industry. He has participated in several discussions on policy as it relates to energy, both in the states and abroad. With such an extensive career, Robert is a strong voice within the industry that many admire and trust.
Today Robert Bensh enjoys contributing his wisdom to his current workplace. He boasts a stellar track record. Many groups have asked him to advise on the market. He has even been asked to be an advisor on energy policy discussions for a television in Ukraine! Robert is widely recognized as an expert. It should come as no surprise seeing as how he has twenty five years of industry knowledge. He is known for his ability to analyze industry patterns and determine a forecast. He also values sharing his knowledge with others through his blogs about current happenings and insights on social media.
For more information on Robert Bensh, the impact of the Energy industry, and thoughtful pieces on the future of oil, stay tuned to this page as new content will be added often.