From the point of drilling to the point of public consumption, logistics deal with how commodities are extracted and finally distributed. Even in a stable market, the framework of good logistics might be difficult to consistently achieve. In recent years, the oil and gas industry has faced logistical issues that have stunted growth, revenue and consumption. The breakout of COVID-19 has hindered the logistics of petroleum, but there are other unique factors at play.

Decreased Manpower

A bulk of the logistics needed to operate an oil or gas company is physical labor. There’s now a grave shortage of laborers in this industry. One of the main distractors is the renewable-energy sector. Laborers are finding jobs in an energy sector that proposes less difficulty alongside decreased job-related hazards. In some regards, researchers believe that technology is also playing a role. They believe that the oil industry needs to automate more to attract workers.

Lower or Higher Crude Prices

Crude is raw, unrefined petroleum. When its price drops, the drop creates a short margin between a company’s expenses and revenue. Without the right funding, oil drillers can’t pay their workers, renovate equipment or prospect more oil. Though crude prices do shift in typical ranges, drastic changes make the logistics of oil production difficult. Higher prices, however, can also cause conflicts if workers are eager to earn better wages that they’re denied.

Matching Output to Demand

Processing crude oil takes time, money and manpower. Refining oil is, thus, only feasible if the consumption of that oil is practically guaranteed. Healthy logistics in the oil industry calls for supplies to be generated at the exact pace of demand. In the real world, this is difficult to do, but the goal is to reduce drastic voids. Creating too much oil is costly and can affect the market. Likewise, production and wages aren’t paid if there’s too little oil too late.

Finding a logistical balance in the oil and gas industry is possible. Successful agencies invest into their infrastructures, and this should be done industrywide.