How to Earn Respect as a Leader

How to Earn Respect as a Leader

Being a good leader requires more than charisma and experience. It requires the respect of those you’re leading. To paraphrase a popular saying, respect isn’t automatic. You don’t get it simply by being in charge. You have to earn it. Here are five...
What is Transformational Leadership?

What is Transformational Leadership?

As the global marketplace continues to evolve, we have the benefit of learning more about business in general and how culture plays a unique part in virtually every industry. The results of witnessing these practical business applications have been astounding. A new...
How Inflation Could Hurt Gas & Oil

How Inflation Could Hurt Gas & Oil

With gas and oil prices climbing higher and higher, people are wondering what else could cause these prices to skyrocket and when they might stop. Unfortunately, inflation can also have a big impact on the price of gas and oil, both in the short and the long term....
Career Options in Oil and Gas

Career Options in Oil and Gas

There’s a rising demand for oil and gas workers today. The use of petroleum is still moving strongly, and this is reflected in the rising price of crude. Natural resources require tremendous logistics to extract, transport and then process. The oil and gas industry,...